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Yellowstone Map - Distances

Yellowstone Map - Distances from Entrances

Entrance Nearest Landmark Distance in Miles (km)
North Mammoth Hot Springs 5 (8)
Northeast Roosevelt 29 (47)
East Lake Village 27 (43)
South Grant Village 22 (35)
West Madison 14 (23)

Yellowstone Map - Distances Within Park

Roads within the park form two loops, intersecting in the middle

  North Loop Loop Intersection South Loop

Mammoth Hot Springs


Canyon Village

Norris Geysers

Lake Village

Grant Village

Old Faithful


Mammoth Hot Springs

- 18 33 21 49 70 51 35


18 - 19 28 35 56 48 31

Canyon Village

33 19 - 12 16 37 42 51

Norris Geysers

21 28 12 - 28 49 30 14

Lake Village

49 35 16 28 - 21 38 42

Grant Village

70 56 37 49 21 - 17 33

Old Faithful

51 48 42 30 38 17 - 16


35 31 51 14 42 33 16 -

All Yellowstone map distances are given for the shortest route, in miles. To convert to km, multiply by 1.6

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